Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Molecules and Materials

Invitation for flagship project proposals

Previously, the FNWI Research Focus Area “Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Molecules and Materials” (AI4SMM) has granted four kick-off projects that started in the past year as collaborations within different institutes within FNWI. The AI4SMM board has allocated the remaining budget of k€ 1,190 for a single flagship project, to start early 2025.

Currently there are two initiatives known by the board that may qualify for funding as such a flagship project. End November the board will decide to which initiative the funds will be granted. Since the board aims to select from a comprehensive list of eligible initiatives, all scientific staff at FNWI is invited to submit a proposal for a flagship project. The time line is short, so only consortia with already solid commitments who can make a head start are invited to submit.

Call conditions

  • A proposal must involve at least two applicants from different FNWI institutes.
  • Each (co-)applicant can only contribute to a single consortium application.
  • Funds for PhD and/or postdoc positions and other costs can be requested. A proposal should contain the complete budget.
  • Substantial (≥ 25%) co-funding (in cash or in kind) of external partner(s) is a prerequisite.
  • Personnel positions granted in this call should be filled ultimately 1 July 2025.
  • Maximum one flagship project will be funded.
  • At least one member of the consortium has to participate to the introduction session at 21 October.
  • The proposed project will be assessed on how it aims to contribute to the AI4SMM mission, and in particular related to:
    • Sustainability
    • Molecules/Materials
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Active involvement of non-academic partners.

Time line and procedure

Interested in submitting a Flagship project proposal? Attending and signing up during the hybrid introduction session on October 21th by at least one of your team members is prerequisite. If none of your team can make it, please let us know before October 21th (see contact details below). The introduction session is at 16.00 hr in Science Park 904, room D1.114 and via Teams video conference using the button below:

Enter Teams session

21 October 2024Introduction and Q&A session. Time 16.00 hr, room D1.114 / TEAMS.
19 November 2024Deadline call proposals
6 December 2024Deadline by AI4SMM board on granting

Template for Flagship project proposals for the AI4SMM RPA.

  • Please use the provided word template to compile your full proposal
  • Maximum length: 3 pages excluding bibliography
  • Do not change the margin settings
  • Font: Times New Roman 11pt
  • Deadline: please submit your proposal as a single pdf-file to not later than 19 November 2024, 5.00 PM.
  • Structuring your proposal using the headers given in black font is highly recommended
  • All blue template text may be deleted
  • The proposed project will be assessed on how it aims to contribute to the AI4SMM mission relating to:
    • Sustainability
    • Molecules/Materials
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Active involvement of non-academic partners as well as potential for impact, both in terms of follow-up valorisation and international visibility. Finally, as these FNWI funds are seen as seed money, the amount of co-funding is a decisive factor in the assessment.

Click on the button below to download the Proposal Template in MS Word format.

Download Template

Do you have questions about this call? Or do you want to know more about the RPA AI4SMM? Please contact: Marcel Bartels ( or scientific coordinator Dr. Bernd Ensing (